Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Clinton Global Initiative Commitment from WISekey

WISeKey is committed to providing the necessary identity management and transaction platform to enable a new approach of cash flow management to reduce operations costs, intermediaries and other sources which result in the loss of aid, remittances and micro-credit initiatives, as well as to increase the awareness and control capability of those providing the funds. WISeKey and the OISTE Foundation developed for this commitment the NETeID Social Network. The NETeID System was designed as a set of online tools intended to empower poor and excluded people around the world to access via their digital identities different sources of assistances and interventions. The system is designed to constitute a global social network that pulls data from all tools into one easy-to-manage web interface which will include a combination of digital identity, security, privacy, web access, blogging and remittances services. Enabling the poor to access the NETeID Social Network may bring them information and services to empower them to become confident, productive members of a healthy society. Full Commitment

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